Wilderness to Home Transition

“I fear that our financial and emotional investment in wilderness therapy might have been wasted without the help of [Elevate Family] as our transition therapists. Wilderness equipped us with strategies and a new perspective, but your coaching allowed us to actually put it into action. We would not have been nearly as successful without transition coaching. It was life-changing for our family.”

-Mother of a 16 year old

“The help and support that we received at Elevate was invaluable to helping our daughter and our family transition from Wilderness to home!”

-Mother of a 14 year old

“I have such a warm place in my heart for [Elevate Family]. Having my daughter suffer and sending her to wilderness was the hardest decision I ever made. But bringing her home afterwards turned out to be harder, and we couldn’t have done it without [our coaching team]...they are a wealth of information and compassion and I would recommend them if you or your family need support. Our road is not over, and their guidance and advice helped give us a foundation to build on.”

-Mother of a 12 year old

Residential to Home Transition

"Our Elevate Family coaches provided caring, compassionate support for our family during a difficult transition period. After my child's graduation from therapeutic boarding school, our family had the summer together before my child started a new school out-of-state the following fall. Since my child had received therapy at the therapeutic boarding school for over a year, we did not have established therapists at home, and the idea of our child coming home with no established therapy in place was a bit scary. Our Elevate Family coaching team supported us while we settled in to our new summer routine after having been apart for an extended time and after having gone through much emotion during the period of separation. Having our team's support helped us to navigate our "new normal" and provided a solid sounding board for us as we navigated through the process of getting ready for the new stages in our relationships with each other as we prepared for our child to go away to the new school. Having the coaches' support was so helpful! I believe that their guidance helped us all to enjoy our time together, to re-establish our relationships in healthy ways, and to grow closer from what we had experienced separately while we were away from each other rather than allowing our separate experiences to cause us to grow farther apart.”

-Mother of a 16 year old

“We had an unbelievable experience. What a relief to know when our daughter came home from AAG that we had a resource to help navigate the various challenges . We are extremely grateful to Elevate for helping her transition to be as smooth as possible.”

-Mother of a 14 year old

“I think my favorite go-to is ‘be a soft place to land.’ I love the support, the accessibility we have thru signal, and the knowledge of someone who has the experience to make us feel seen and heard.”

-Mother of a 15 year old

Parent Coaching

[Our coaching team] have provided us with a lifeline during an incredibly difficult time in our lives. Our gratitude to these two people, who bring a special gift to the world of suffering parents and families, is beyond words.”

-Mother of an 18 year old