Adoptive Mothers Wellness Weekend

asheville, NC

may 2-5, 2024 & October 3-5, 2024


“This retreat surpassed my hopes and dreams!  For me, this was about more than being a mother of an adopted child.  There were some mighty seeds planted over this retreat, watered by wonderful connections with new friends and the AMAZING Elevate staff.”

“Derry and Sarah did an incredible job creating a nurturing and safe space to connect deeply with myself as well as with the other moms on the retreat.  It was a life-giving  weekend and one I would highly recommend to any adoptive mom.”

“The opportunity to be with other adoptive moms with kids who have been in treatment presented a safe, supported community that allowed me to grieve, to explore, and to learn new methods of coping that I have not been able to put into practice. It was so difficult to give myself permission to take the time to attend, but it was the best decision that I've made in a long time.” 

Inspired by all the moms we have supported over the years…

If you are the mother of an adoptee, this retreat weekend is designed for you. We will celebrate together and connect over common themes of love, grief & loss and the challenges and rewards of raising a child struggling with a primal attachment wound.

Please join us for a weekend of camaraderie, self-care and workshops that you won’t want to miss!

Space is limited to 5 participants.

Superbills provided for insurance reimbursement.

Hosted by Sarah Hutchison, LCSW and Derry O’Kane, LCMHC in the mountains of Asheville, NC.

Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction

Uncovering Patterns and Accessing Solutions

Coming 2024 in Asheville, NC

Hosted by Lisa Brown, LCMHC, RDT, LCAS

Parents will learn more about the different stages of substance use, process the experience of having a child challenged by substance abuse and learn some practical skills to maximize their sphere of influence and connection with their loved one.

All of these experiences will occur alongside a community of other parents experiencing similar struggles. Our retreat environment prioritizes self-care and wellness as a way to practice essential mental and emotional boundaries. There will be opportunities for concrete learning, experiential learning, sharing, rest, and connecting with nature. 

Please join us to spend some time taking care of yourself and equip yourself to support your loved one more intentionally.